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Workshop Magia das Águas

Aprenda a trabalhar com a energia das águas.

2 Lessons

200,00 BRL

7-day money back guarantee

What you get

  • 1h38 of video lessons


200,00 BRL

7-day money back guarantee

What you get

  • 1h38 of video lessons

Course Schedule

🗓   Agenda
- Start the course whenever you want;
- Total duration of 6 months.

💡   Additional information
- You can choose to start the course on your preferred date;
- The content will be available for 6 months after the beginning.

About the Course

Aprenda a tralhar a energia das águas das mais diversas formas : água de chuva, cachoeira, mar e a influência das fases lunares na magia

Course Content

7 days duration
  • 1. Magia das Aguas parte 01
  • 2. Magia das Aguas parte 02